Custodial Interference: What Is It and What Are the Legal Consequences?

November 29, 2022

When a court orders custody of a child, the party or parties that are awarded custody are responsible for the child  under the terms of the custody order. However, it is often the case that a non-custodial parent or family member can act unilaterally by attempting to take the child into their care directly against…

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Do Grandparents Have Visitation Rights?

November 29, 2022

As grandparents, you want what’s best for your grandchildren, including your grandchildren having the ability to know and spend time with non-custodial grandparents. However, while this may be what you desire it is not necessarily what’s determined by the legal system. Below, the experienced family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law discuss the legal steps…

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What to Look for in a Family Lawyer

October 14, 2022

Choosing the best family law attorney may help you feel more at ease and achieve better outcomes, whether you’re thinking about divorce, trying to resolve custody issues, coordinating an adoption, or dealing with another family law issue. Below, the attorneys at Rodier Family Law discuss what to look for in a family lawyer.    Positive…

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Legal Steps to Take When Your Spouse Asks for a Divorce

October 14, 2022

If your spouse asks for a divorce, it can be easy to jump from sadness to lashing out. Divorce is an emotional process, but when it comes to making sure you are legally covered you’ll want to make sure you take certain steps to protect your assets and other critical details that may impact your…

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What to Do If Your Spouse Isn’t Cooperating During Divorce Proceedings

July 19, 2022

Deciding to split up when a marriage is no longer working is already a difficult decision to make. It can be even more challenging when one partner refuses to go through with your previous agreements. Below the attorneys at Rodier Family Law discuss the route to take if your spouse refuses to cooperate during divorce…

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What are the Differences between Mediation and Collaborative Divorce?

July 19, 2022

Making the decision to get a divorce can be one of the most difficult choices in your life. When obtaining a divorce you can go through the mediation process or a collaborative divorce. Below our experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorneys discuss the difference between mediation and collaborative divorce. Mediation Mediation is an alternative conflict resolution…

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Five Mistakes That May Interfere With Your Child Custody Case

June 6, 2022

Divorce is a challenging process and if children are involved, it can be especially tough. It’s important that you do not let your personal complications, as well as actions, interfere with your case. Mistakes happen, but some have consequences that can affect your child custody case. Below, our experienced and professional family law attorneys at…

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What to Do If You Aren’t Receiving Child Custody Payments

June 6, 2022

Even when each parent is doing their part, child custody, child support and other co-parenting agreements can be challenging to manage. If your ex-partner is declining to contribute regardless of the court order, this can cause a physical, emotional and financial strain on the custodial parent. Below the experienced and professional attorneys at Rodier Family…

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Potential Complications When Dating During the Divorce Process

April 20, 2022

It’s not unusual for a separated spouse to reenter the dating scene before their divorce is officially finalized. People move on, it’s natural, but it’s also undeniable that the timing of a new relationship can impact one’s divorce process. If you are considering dating during the divorce process, it is essential that you consider the…

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Can I Avoid Court When Filing For Divorce?

April 20, 2022

Appearing in court can be a high-anxiety experience, especially during the divorce process. In Maryland, it is not required to spend the entire process in and out of court dates. Here at Rodier Family Law, our experienced and knowledgeable divorce attorneys discuss what can be done to avoid many trips to the courthouse during the…

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