How Social Media Can Impact Your Divorce

April 15, 2015

The family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law explain how social media activity can affect a couple going through a divorce. With the rise in activity on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.) for both personal and business reasons, our lives are increasingly becoming open books, viewable by an ever-increasing network of connections. Social…

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A Guide to Preparing a Financial Statement for Your Divorce

March 26, 2015

Money is a hot topic of discussion for almost every couple, even if they’re happily married. If a couple decides to call it quits and pursue a divorce, then the issue of money can become even more controversial, and is often a central point of contention in the divorce proceedings. More often than not, the…

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Why You Need a Lawyer for Your Divorce

March 11, 2015

Abraham Lincoln said, “The man who represents himself has a fool for a client,” and while that may be a bit strongly worded, there is some truth to it.  There are hundreds of articles circulating that offer tips on how to cut costs throughout the divorce process. One of the most common suggestions provided is…

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Late-Life Divorce and the Need for Health Insurance Coverage

February 27, 2015

Health care is an important issue for anyone who is aging, but for those over 50 who may find themselves in the middle of a divorce, health insurance coverage can become a key source of contention. Knowing what approach to take when preparing for the future and being informed of your health care options will…

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Rodier Family Law Attorneys Meet the Governor

February 19, 2015

Rodier Family Law attorneys Sarah Gable (left) and Samantha Rodier (right) snapped a picture with Governor Larry Hogan at the Baltimore County Bar Association Annual Black-Tie Banquet, also known as “BCBA Prom.” This year’s event marked the 93rd Annual Banquet.

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Parenting Agreements: Taking a Proactive Step in Co-Parenting

January 22, 2015

If you are going through a divorce and have children, one the most significant decisions you will need to make involves how you and your ex-spouse will continue to parent together. While the concept of “together” may seem in conflict with the fact that you are separating, raising your children is a top priority.  You…

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Child Custody and Parental Religious Differences

January 9, 2015

When parents of different religious faiths separate, or when one parent practices a specific religion and the other parent identifies as atheistic or agnostic, it is common for them to disagree as to which or any religion their children should follow. As interfaith marriages increase and the divorce rate climbs, this topic is being contested…

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Collaborative Divorce: The Peaceful Process

December 22, 2014

Divorce can cause significant financial and emotional stress.  However, there is an alternative to mediation and/or litigation which is becoming increasingly popular, collaborative divorce. Here, the Harford County divorce lawyers at Rodier Family Law provide an overview of collaborative divorce and how this could be a benefit to couples struggling to make their relationship last.…

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An Introduction to Alimony

December 15, 2014

The complicated process of divorce can become more difficult when it comes to determining alimony. Different from child support, alimony has no specific calculated method or guidelines in deciding on the amount and type. There are three types of alimony in Maryland: pendente lite, rehabilitative and indefinite. Here, the Bel Air divorce attorneys at Rodier…

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Three Things to Consider Before You and Your Spouse Divorce

November 14, 2014

The family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law offer three steps to help prepare for the divorce process. Although marriage signifies forever, let’s face it—forever is not always the reality. Everyone encounters different situations in life, and one thing can lead to another, which can result in divorce. There is no easy way to broach…

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