How to Successfully Navigate Becoming a Single Parent After Divorce or Separation

March 15, 2020

Divorce or separation are taxing experiences on any family, and divorce with children can bring a myriad of emotions and challenges to each family member. Moving from joint parenting to becoming a single parent after divorce is a learning curve and brings many obstacles for both the parents and the children. However, there are proactive…

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Laws for Establishing Paternity in Maryland

February 13, 2020

The process of establishing paternity in Maryland generally occurs when an unmarried mother gives birth. If the mother is married, there is a rebuttable presumption that her husband is the father of their child. This article focuses on how unmarried biological parents can establish parental rights through an Affidavit of Parentage. With paternity, there are…

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What Factors Go Into Establishing Spousal Support?

January 30, 2020

Divorce can be a trying time for any couple, and when finances are at issue the situation can become increasingly taxing. Spousal support, also known as alimony or spousal maintenance, occurs when one party supports the other party based on a court-ordered decision or an agreement between the parties. Here, the family law and divorce…

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Will Remarriage Impact Child Custody?

November 1, 2019

It is a common concern among divorced parents that remarrying will impact their child custody rights. It is important to understand that, in most cases, a new relationship should not have a direct effect on your ability to properly parent and maintain custody of your child or children, with few exceptions. Here, the Bel Air…

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Co-Parenting Tips for Divorced Spouses

November 1, 2019

Divorce is a stressful event that complicates almost every aspect of life—maintaining civil relationships with your ex-spouse, managing financial shifts and handling post-divorce day-to-day responsibilities become muddled even further when childcare is involved. Here, the team of Maryland family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law offer some tried-and-true co-parenting tips for divorced spouses to ensure…

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What You Need to Know About Divorce When You Have Adopted Children

August 19, 2019

Divorce is a stressful and difficult situation for all individuals involved, both parents and children. However, if you are going through a divorce and you have adopted children, it is important to understand that this life event may have a heightened impact on your children due to their life experiences. Adopted children may have a…

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How is Child Support Determined with Unmarried Parents?

August 12, 2019

There is a strong legal presumption in favor of biological parents paying child support for the care and well-being of their children, regardless of their marital status at the time of the child’s conception or birth. However, there are some unique considerations unmarried parents should keep in mind when petitioning for or disputing child support.…

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Co-Parenting Strategies: How to Handle Visitation During the Holidays

December 12, 2018

The holidays are an important time to spend with family and loved ones, but complications can arise when a divorced couple is trying to navigate visitation during these times. If possible, finding an equitable way for children to spend time with both their biological mother and father during the holiday season can be extremely valuable…

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Seeking Therapy During Divorce

December 10, 2018

Seeking therapy during divorce is one of many important actions spouses can take to help a divorce progress as smoothly and amicably as possible. Here, the family law attorneys at Rodier Family Law discuss some key points regarding therapy and divorce. Therapy can Be an Effective Tool for Coping with Divorce Divorce can cause spouses…

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What to Know About Custody & Child Support; an Infographic

November 26, 2018
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