How to Adjust Your Custody Agreement Without Litigation

Adjusting a custody agreement without litigation can be a difficult and emotional process, but it is sometimes necessary to ensure that the child’s best interests are met. Below are some tips on how to adjust your custody agreement without filing a contested court action.


Communicate With the Other Parent if Possible

Before making any changes to your existing custody agreement, it’s important to consider having a conversation with the other parent to see if they are open to making adjustments. This can help prevent potential conflicts and ensure that both parties are on the same page.  In cooperative co-parenting relationships, discussing a possible change can result in less time dealing with the Courts and attorneys, if the conversation does in fact result in a meeting of the minds and clarification of the terms of any agreement.  If, however, the relationship with a co-parent is dysfunctional, there is a history of abusive behaviors between the parties, or other issues that impede co-parenting, or an individual has greater rights (such as sole legal or physical custody), then it may be best to confer with counsel before determining whether you should approach the other parent to discuss potential changes to the Agreement.


Consider the Child’s Best Interests

The most important factor in any custody agreement is the well-being of the child. When making changes to the agreement, it’s important to consider how the changes will affect the child and ensure that they will be in their best interests.


Get Legal Advice From Rodier Family Law

It’s always a good idea to consult with a family law attorney before making any changes to a custody agreement. Here at Rodier Family Law, our experienced and knowledgeable attorneys can provide you with legal advice and help you understand your rights and responsibilities.


Be Open to Compromise

Custody agreements can be difficult to change, so it’s important to be open to compromise. If the other parent is not willing to make the changes you want, consider finding a middle ground that both of you can agree on.


Consider Mediation

Mediation is a great way for some individuals to resolve disputes and come to a mutually beneficial agreement. A skilled and experienced mediator can sometimes help both parties communicate effectively and find a solution that works for everyone.  Counsel can assist you in determining if mediation is worthwhile and identifying a skilled mediator to assist in the potential resolution of issues.


Update the Legal Document to Reflect the Updated Terms of the Agreement

Once you have reached an agreement, make sure to update the legal document. Having a new agreement in writing will ensure that both parties are aware of the new arrangement and it can be enforced by the court if necessary.  Your counsel can draft an updated Agreement for review by the other parent and his or her counsel.  If all approve the edited Agreement, the same can be submitted cooperatively to the Court.  Remember, however, that an attorney is not able to represent both parties at any time.  If either party has questions about the agreement, that individual will need to seek the advice and guidance of his or her own attorney.


Adjusting a custody agreement can be a difficult process, but by communicating with the other parent, considering the child’s best interests, getting legal advice, being open to compromise, seeking mediation, and updating the legal document, it is possible to come to a mutually beneficial arrangement that works for everyone without the need to file contested litigation.


Contact Rodier Family Law Today If You Are Interested In Adjusting Your Custody Agreement

If you are interested in adjusting your custody agreement, it’s important to work with an experienced family law attorney who can guide you through the process and ensure that your rights and the best interests of your child are protected. Rodier Family Law is a reputable firm that specializes in family law and has a proven track record of helping clients navigate the complex legal system.